no, not 'good friend' in french bon ami.
but BON AMI - as in the super-duper wonder-cleanser for glass, porcelain and other things you want to get shiny without the streaks.
that's what i used today, for the first time, and well, okay... i admit it. being the super-geek when it comes to cleaning and organizing, this is now really my partner in crime when it comes to mirrors and windows.
other then that, we finally got our christmas decorations up today (not including the tree - a live tree will be bought next weekend and put up the weekend late). doug's going to do the outside lights tomorrow while we go searching for a wreath (fake one).
we're also baking like crazy this weekend. the teachers will get their tins of baked, christmas good sometime this week (get that out of the way) and tonight, i will need to wrap all the thunder bay christmas presents so doug can ship them out this wednesday.
yes - THIS WEDNESDAY! can't believe how time is just whipping by. the countdown for christmas has begun.
evidently, this time of the year always brings out the worse in chaeli. i am not sure if it's the added pressure of having to be good or that the sheer excitement is too much for her to contain.
it all resulted in her also saying "shit" today. which wasn't something we wanted to hear while listening to christmas music and decorating around the house while drinking eggnog.
we didn't flip out though - she's in grade one. i expected her to be saying some type of bad word at this point. and of all the curse words she could be bringing home, this one isn't all that bad. but still - it's what i call a 'soapy word.'
doug explained to her that when he was just a bit older then her, he said a bad word. the first time, he got a warning. the second time, he got soap rubbed across his teeth. and the third time, he got his entire mouth washed out with soap.
third time's the charm but we reminded chaeli that if she really wants to avoid soap in her mouth all together, it's better to just take heed after the first warning.