me: "hello?"
guy: "hello mam. i'm calling you to offer an opportunity for your business to be in our directory. a survey in your area showed that your company would be benefit greatly from our services."'
me: "what servies?"
guy: "we will make sure you are in various, popular directories so customers can be directed to your business."
me: "this might not be the best time - we're transitioning and moving locations."
guy: "mam, this offer will expire soon - it's important that you take advantage of it now."
me: "okay... but..."
guy: "i just need to confirm your address."
me: "go ahead, then."
guy: "123 somewhere drive. is that correct?"
me: "no it isn't... what city?"
guy: "mam?"
me: "what city do you have for us?"
guy: "sorry, mam. i don't understand. i gave you the address already."
me: "yes, but we have many locations and i need to know which city and province you are refering to."
guy: "um... i don't understand."
me: "okay, well, i can't talk about this right now because as i said, we're busy with our move. just email me and i'll read everything for myself."
i gave him my email address, he repeated it back, taking it down totally wrong and i decided not to correct him.
something tells me that he's calling from overseas and that i should be leery of this offer. but at the same time, what person does not know what the word 'city' means? do they not have cities where he's from? i am not trying to be disrespectful to another culture... but honest, i can not think of a country where they do not use the word 'city' as part of their address.
maybe i am wrong?