we just got back from a country weekend getaway - friends of ours invited us to stay with them in a town two hours away from here.
they live on a fairly large property with the backyard leading to a forest - cross the dirt road and we also were greeted by a river.they had over 70 maple trees on their property tapped, saving a couple to tap when chaeli got there, just so they could show her how it was done. i thought that was pretty special. even if you go to a very rustic maple syrup farm, the trees are already tapped and collecting the sap. so for chaeli to see the production happen from start to finish was very cool. in fact, it was cool for me because i had never seen that myself!
they gave us a huge jar of syrup to take home with us - we're very lucky. store bought maple syrup is heaven. local maple syrup is even better. but this jar? it comes with memories of the whole, entire weekend which we will always remember for years to come.
on top of all that, we were pampered with good food and wine, which even a daily cocktail as the sun started to set. i got a chance to try a grasshopper for the very first time. i know it's quite a dated cocktail but i've always wanted to know what it tastes like - damn good!
both chaeli and hobbes got a lot of fresh air. hobbes went nuts because we let him off leash pretty much the whole time. he's now sleeping after going non-stop for the past couple of days.
what a great way to end our march break.