totally not surprising, but this winter seems to have dragged on longer then most. i think it's because we've just had a lot of bad luck hit us this year. with a crazy schedule, it's been hard to find time to just catch my breath.
i've been sick a lot too, which hasn't helped. in fact, it's been really hard for me to work out for the past couple of months because i'll start my workout routine for a week or two and then have to stop because of some ailment.
anyway, an update with life in general:
- with me not feeling well a lot, hobbes has been a faithful companion. days where i was in bed all day, he barely left my side. it's amazing how these canines can just detect that your not well.
- it's hard to imagine that chaeli is more then halfway through grade one. she's learning stuff like: nonagon, heptagon and decagon (the three i had to look up for either the number of sides/vertices and/or pronounciation); capitol cities of countries such as jordan, vietnam and pakistan; and getting ready for multiplication and division. quite a lot for grade one but with our help, she's been able to get anywhere from 90% to 100% on her test scores.
- fitness for me has been a struggle these past two months but i'm not giving up. this week, even though i'm not 100% recovered, i'm starting again. but to help me ease into the swing of things, and just to try and keep in perspective that my life is busier and so i need to cut some time out of my workout schedule, i'm just back to the basics. essentially, i'm going to try and do something each day and only workout to the intensity i'm able to. i've lost so much strength since before christmas and while it's very frustrating, i have to look forward and not let this set back depress me as it often can. i do think that i need to do yoga at least twice a week, swapping out some high intensity workout for it. so far, i've worked out 3 times this week - hoping to continue like this.
- doug has been going to night classes back to back, two nights during the week - one with all-day workshops on most saturday's. it's been really hard. on all of us. but personally, it's been really hard for me. i miss not having him help out. it's hard to work all day on a job where no matter what, i can't help but to bring work home at least in my mind because i'm doing a lot of projects/tasks that require my problem solving skills, and then having to be the one to pick chaeli up, go home, do homework with her, cook dinner, prepare lunches for the next day and hopefully, squeeze in shower time (for her and for me) before trying to get to bed early. and then wake up early enough to get chaeli to school before getting to work myself. the daily grind this winter is way harder then the latter half of last year. i can't wait until the school year ends - not just for chaeli but more so for doug.
- chaeli has been a great sport in all of this. and while there are frustrating days with her, for the most part, i'm so glad i get to be this kid's mother! i thought i could never love her more then i already do but i was wrong. as she grows up and i learn more about parenting and her growing personality, i seem to love her more. it's more challenging but in return, it's also more rewarding. i don't always feel this, of course. there are days, thankfully not often, where i feel like it's almost impossible to continue being an effective parent. but still, i'm lucky to have her in my life.
- march break is coming up and we're kicking it back at home for the whole week. it's only been 2.5 months since christmas break but we all need it. i'm looking forward to working out in the mornings (without rushing to work afterwards) and spending some quality time as a family.