we spent this saturday at ikea, purchasing a couple of TROFAST cabinets and wall shelves (with an assortment of different colour and sizes of bins) for chaeli's room.
the assembly and re-organizing (which included more sorting and chucking) took up a good chunk of the day. but it was worth it. with just one wall shelf to put up (which we've decided to leave empty and use as a book shelf instead), her room is pretty close to being organized. i've shown her where she can find all her toys (mainly one cabinet) and all her craft supply (one wall shelf and top bins of the other cabinet on the other side of her table). i know it's still wishful thinking that she'll keep it neat but so far, she seems to have no trouble putting things back where they belong. it helps that she can take the bins out completely on her own so that she can really see what's inside. and it's just a matter of putting the bin back inthe empty slot.
i recommend investing in this storage system if you're a parent. ikea is not the most high-quality type of furniture but lets face it - it will outlast the school age years.
sunday afternoon, we went over to di and rik's place for high tea with the rest of the posse. and i really do mean the whole posse! even though rita and harry are in the states, and ada and hoa are in vancouver, we made sure to skype them over.
on the way home, i said to doug that even though i know this is so not new, it definitely was an interesting situation - to have people there.. virtually at a party. it was a neat concept though, of course, i would have much rather have had them there in person but i suppose this was better then nothing!
anyway - doug baked some scones which were pretty much fresh out of the oven (we were late) and still warm when we got to the party.