Posted at 12:01 PM in bliss, random | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)
for several months now, i've been diligently following the weekly postsecret posts.
of course, like most, i've been hearing about this site for a very long time and while i peeked into it in the past, lately, i'm starting to get addicted to it. i look forward to sitting at my computer every sunday morning with my freshly brewed cup of coffee as i read each posted postcard.
i sometimes wonder what wakes me up more - the caffeine or some shocking confession from some anonymous stranger out there.
i think it's very much the latter.
some secrets are sweet and touching. others are truly sad. though, i think i like the quirky ones the most. the kind of secret that defines how human we really are. that we all have these weird idiosyncrasies. like one recent person stated that he/she sits on toilets sideways. and another admitted that cleaning out the lint from the dryer as being her favourite laundry pasttime (which made me realize that i quite enjoy that part too - the thicker the layer, the better! and i hate doing laundry.) such strange revelations. but to me, the most fascinating!
then there are the dirty secrets. usually involving theft or infidelity. and they are bad... really they are. yet i enjoy reading them. so much that lately, i started to question whether i'm becoming the type of person that i never wanted to be. you know, the type of person that enjoys gossip.
sure, i suppose it's a bit better that i don't know any of these people but there is a sickness to the pleasure i get from reading the naughty postcards. it obviously doesn't paint me as a good person - but it's true. i suppose while i try not to indulge in the workplace gossip (especially as 95% of the gossip turns out to be untrue), if i need to have an outlet, indulging in postcards from strangers, sharing some controversial secrets, is the best way to go.
anyway, the website doesn't archive pervious weeks but i have them archived by grabbing their rss within my google reader.
here's one posted a couple of weeks ago that i found quite amusing:
Posted at 07:16 PM in geek, random | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)
happy chinese new year!
we're not celebrating until tomorrow night - easier for a friday. but it should be good - we're going to go to my aunt and uncle's for chinese hot pot. my favourite chinese meal, winter fix!
to all, i wish you a happy, prosperous year.
Posted at 11:39 AM in family, random | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)
and i'm not just talking about food cravings. though, there are a few to add to that list as well... but it's now february and as with all february's, the darker and shorter days of winter added on to the cold, dry climate (not to mention, miserable and dangerous driving when the roads are slippery), always makes me day-dream more of things i want to do or have at that respective moment.
i'm sure this is the result of being more caged in at home. not that i don't love being at home but there's more work involved in getting out of the house. with the longer drives and the preparation of staying warm, our very hectic and crazy life gets a tad more crazier.
anyway, here's a list of cravings - both big and small:
*i had a dream the other night about edward cullens. it was a very cool dream but unfortunately, i would much rather have dreamt about jasper. i blame this on watching eclipse while i was sick.
Posted at 02:33 PM in bliss, random | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)
i've been back to the daily grind after being home sick for 3.5 days.
about five people in the span of just this morning alone, have told me to keep away from them in fear of falling ill themselves.
how comforting.
Posted at 02:38 PM in health, random, rant | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)
i realize that my top ten post and it's runner up list were very negative in the way of starting 2011 off. so while i sit here having ramen noodles to help comfort this nasty cold i've come down with, i've decided to compile a top ten list of faces of the media i want to see more of.
this wasn't an easy list to make. when i first started to think of names, i was coming up with celebrities that are already pretty hot on the media front and really do not need any more attention (even if it's been well deserved). the purpose of my list are those who i feel need to be more visible in the upcoming decade - some of whom i'm truly hoping for a great come back where they can re-invent themselves for the limelight.
10. Kyle Howard
He had some guest appearances in Friends and was a permanent co-star in My Boys. But the first time I noticed him was in Friends where he played one of Ross' goofy, surfer-dude-like student. A really, really tiny role - but I noticed him none-the-less. He's the dorky, goofy but cute type and while I'm not sure if he could ever land a lead role, I'd like to see him in more supportive ones.
9. Mandy Moore
Maybe it's the mom in me, but while Britney Spears and Christina Aguilera were shaking their pom-poms and leaving little to the imagination, here's a girl that stood her ground by letting her sweet voice, winning personality and cute looks give some hope as a proper role model for our daughters.
8. Dido
Love her voice and want more of it. She's definitely not gone from the music industry but I'm hoping for a huge surge as she makes a come-back.
7. Michael Vartan
He always seems to be on the cusp of bigger things. And while I know he's not the best actor, I still love that boyish smile of his. Funny thing is that I remember him most for this made-for-tv movie where he played Sir Lancelot in Merlin. Not the best production but I found myself swooning for his character.
6. KT Tunstall
I read somewhere where she knew she was never to make it big - at least not for the long run. And it seems that she was fine with that. Well, I'm fine with it too - so long as she keeps on producing that wonderful talent of hers.
5. Katherine Moennig
She was the famous Shane on L Word, which I recently just finished watching its sixth season. I loved the character Shane - and I think the success was owed to Moennig who made the character seem so believable.
4. Rose Rollins
She was also on the L Word as military Tasha. Loved her! And honestly, I can't believe Cover Girl hasn't nabbed her yet for her flawless skin and natural beauty.
3. Jackson Rathbone
I know the past decade was all about Edward v.s. Jacob in the whole Twilight hype (which is still ongoing) but my favourite vampire was Jasper Hale. I thought Rathbone did a beautiful job portraying this complex character. In fact, if Stephanie Meyers decides to write more for the Twilight saga, I think Jasper's history would be a very interesting one to write (though it would be better if it was written by some one with better talent). So while most girls (and women) were swooning over Edward, Jasper caught my attention more and more on the big screen.
2. Gina Gershon
And not Gina Gershon as the sex kitten back in her earlier days of her career. I want to see her in the more down-to-earth roles. She's got more curves now and her harsher lines have definitely softened. To me, I think she's more beautiful then ever. Give her more romantic comedy roles!
1. Christina Applegate
She knows how to play that comedic role just so. Even if she never makes it to that big, Oscar leading role, I have been waiting and waiting to see more of her. She needs more romantic comedy roles and by the way, doesn't she look stunning in green?
Posted at 01:03 PM in geek, random | Permalink | Comments (1) | TrackBack (0)
after posting my top ten annoying famous faces of the decade, i decided that it would be more complete if i also shared some of the ones that didn't quite make the list.
5. the kardashians
i think out of all the socialites, these ladies top the cake for me in that the way they became famous was just simply lame. maybe i just don't understand this whole subculture of socialites. growing up, i don't think there were as many out in the media. so this whole nicole ritchie, paris hilton and now the kardashians... ugh. it makes me a bit sad that our society is so hung up on these people's lives.
4. kanye west
i admit i went back and forth on this one. i actually do enjoy a few of his tunes. but at the same time, i'm almost at awe with his stupidity. i think, though, the main reason he didn't make it on my top ten list was because, well, i'll admit it. his stupidity has also resulted in some great entertainment.
3. ke$ha
it's not that she's weird and out there. that doesn't bother me at all. if it did, lady gaga would have made it on the number one spot of my top ten list. it's just that everytime i see kesha, all i can think of is, "dirty!" i don't mean in the perverted sense. i mean, like, just dirty. as in... "i'm sure she showers but she just doesn't look like she does."
and i hate the whole $-sign instead of an 's'.
2. olsen twins
this was also a toss up to some degree. and it's not that i despise them or anything. in fact, i kind of get this hunch that they are very sweet and intelligent girls. which actually makes me more mad when i see them posing not just in a seductive, sexy way... but pressing their bodies into each other! they're sister! i don't get this... why should they need to feed on the perversed fantasy of many minds out there just to get attention? in fact, i see this often. i once use to know these twins (very pretty) and when we went clubbing, they were practically grinding up against each other. i don't have any siblings but i'm going to guess that this shouldn't be considered normal behaviour.
1. bruno mars
i just can't stand his smooth face. he's too... pretty.
Posted at 05:34 PM in random, rant | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)
me: "hello?"
guy: "hello mam. i'm calling you to offer an opportunity for your business to be in our directory. a survey in your area showed that your company would be benefit greatly from our services."'
me: "what servies?"
guy: "we will make sure you are in various, popular directories so customers can be directed to your business."
me: "this might not be the best time - we're transitioning and moving locations."
guy: "mam, this offer will expire soon - it's important that you take advantage of it now."
me: "okay... but..."
guy: "i just need to confirm your address."
me: "go ahead, then."
guy: "123 somewhere drive. is that correct?"
me: "no it isn't... what city?"
guy: "mam?"
me: "what city do you have for us?"
guy: "sorry, mam. i don't understand. i gave you the address already."
me: "yes, but we have many locations and i need to know which city and province you are refering to."
guy: "um... i don't understand."
me: "okay, well, i can't talk about this right now because as i said, we're busy with our move. just email me and i'll read everything for myself."
i gave him my email address, he repeated it back, taking it down totally wrong and i decided not to correct him.
something tells me that he's calling from overseas and that i should be leery of this offer. but at the same time, what person does not know what the word 'city' means? do they not have cities where he's from? i am not trying to be disrespectful to another culture... but honest, i can not think of a country where they do not use the word 'city' as part of their address.
maybe i am wrong?
Posted at 02:05 PM in random, rant | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)
The following is a list of my personal pet peeves of annoying famous faces. It's purely just for fun but if I had to create a top ten of people I would like to leave behind from the media, these are my picks.
10. Dr. Phil
Strangely enough, I didn't despise Dr. Phil at the very beginning of his career. In fact, I even watched several episodes of his show and felt that some of his advice made sense. Well, of course they made sense - it was common sense, really. It didn't take long to get sick of him.
9. Larry King
I know, I know - the man has had some really important interviews in the past. I should have some level of respect for him. But he doesn't age well. Just look at him - he belongs more on the radio.
8. Sarah Palin
It's not that I would have voted for the democrat party if i were american. I just am still at awe that this lady was appointed as the possible VP of the free world. What made it worse was listening to my ex-boss go on and on about how amazing she is as a leader of the people.
Really? Amazing???
7. Lindsey Lohan and Paris Hilton
It was a tie between these two mug shots. I don't know what it was that bothered me more - Lindsey looking more and more used as the drugs and alcohol started to take over her or the fact that Paris was riding on the coat tails of her fathers fortune. Either way, I was just sick of listening to celebrities getting arrested and these two topped the list!
6. Tyra Banks
I use to admire Tyra Banks for her guest role as Fresh Prince's girlfriend and long time buddy from the hood. Plus, she was and still is gorgeous. Then she had to do the America's Top Model thing, open her mouth and basically make me question whether or not this show was really about modeling or exposing would-be models for endorsing the stereotype of being airheads for not seeing how completely fake Tyra is.
5. Rachel Ray
Her own show on the Food TV Network? Was some one on crack with this decision? And who the hell is this Rachel Ray anyway? Where did she come from?
Though I do think her existence has done one good deed for me - Anthony Bourdain is anti-Rachel Ray. It's one thing that bonds me closer to Bourdain (whom I love). Other then that, if I have to watch her eat one more bite or take in one more spoonful while exhagerating a "mmm... this is SO GOOD!" I may have to hurl a brick at the TV.
4. Jamie Oliver
I still love The Naked Chef series and wish they would bring it back as re-runs. But sometime, during my pregnancy while I was green for the entire first trimester, Jamie's face started to look more swollen. And his lips started to take over the focal point of the screen. As i watched those lips move, almost too big to even close properly, I could almost envision the spit drooling out the sides of his mouth.
And that's when I went from 'Love him!' to 'Ugh - I can't stand looking at him!'
I do still stand by his recipes, though.
3. Kate Perry
I think she's got a strong voice. And I do like some of her songs. Some. Actually, just two. The rest is just so-so to me and I often wonder how she ever gets to the top of the charts. Is it her boobs? She does have nice ones. But why do her eyes always have to be so wide?
She also ruined it for me forever when she appeared in Sesame Street wearing what I can only describe as lingerie.
2. Tom Cruise
I will admit it. In grade 9, like many young teens, I had the hots for Tom Cruise. And it was mainly because of Top Gun. When I watch that movie now, I realize why I have spent so many past years falling for jerks and arrogant idiots - why did I crush after a character such as Maverick who acted and believed he was god and that all those around him must bow down to him?
As the years progressed, Tom Cruise himself started to look like an elf of some sort. I've actually been told he's a very nice guy and I believe people I know who have met him. But since I've never met him, I can safely say that his face truly does annoy me.
1. Justin Bieber
I'm really not sure if I need to explain myself here.
But one of the saddest things about welcoming 2011 is that this kid is still hot on the charts.
Fine, fine - I'll try to live with it. But some one please - at the least - give him a haircut!
Posted at 02:43 PM in random, rant | Permalink | Comments (1) | TrackBack (0)
now that ryan renolds, one of my ultimate choices from my top five list, is splitsville with scarlett johansson, he can now come looking for me and commence the woo-ing stage of our relationship. :)
Posted at 01:18 PM in geek, random | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)